Wil’s Background
Everything Noble Why LLC
advocates has been put into action.
Wil Davis, Founder and Principal of Noble Why, LLC has an extensive background in corporate leadership. Wil co-founded Ontario Systems, a nationwide leader in its selected markets and one of the largest software companies in Indiana. In demand nationwide as a keynote speaker and seminar leader, he is also the author of Creating a Culture of Excellence: Changing the World of Work One Person at a Time. His high energy, entertaining, and anecdotal style keeps audiences engaged and leaves them with inspiring concepts applicable to both their corporate and personal lives. Wil holds a bachelor degree and an MBA from Ball State University. He is married to his high school sweetheart Cindy and they enjoy spending time with their three married children and seven grandchildren.
Wil is incredibly passionate about helping organizations develop inspiring corporate cultures. See where his passion comes from.
My Journey
In his own words, listen to why Wil is passionate about sharing the concepts of noble why with others.
Is it OK to admit that “going to work” after spending 16+ years of education in preparation for doing so was a big disappointment for me?
I am not sure what I expected exactly, but realizing that once I had entered the workforce I would be in a routine of 8-10 hours (or more) per day structured by doing “stuff” that seemed to make my bosses happy, but frankly left me less than fulfilled, I almost revolted in panic! My mind just refused to accept that “this is all there is” for the rest of my life—at least, my working life.
Is the goal of work simply to someday not have to work?
It seemed that the goal of retirement, which was not to work, made perfect sense. Why would you want to do any more of this than necessary? Of course, being patient enough (or defeated enough) to just “go to work” until retirement was not something I could imagine doing.
The questions I started to ask.
This led me to do some very personal thinking and searching about things that were not talked about in school, questions like:
- What makes a person feel fulfilled?
- Is there a difference between happiness and joy?
- Does it make a difference what company I go to work for?
- Are pay and benefits the right test for determining the “best” job?
- Are these questions normal, or am I just weird?
Choosing between personal fulfillment and corporate success is a false choice!
Partially to resolve my own dissatisfaction, and driven by an opportunity based on changing technology, I co-founded a software company where the “stuff” of work was intellectually stimulating and the service to our clients was fulfilling. For the first time in my career, work became something that I had the privilege of doing and enjoyed, not something I begrudgingly had to do.
Our company rallied behind a transcendent purpose beyond just making money. We were truly making a difference in the world, were fulfilled with our work, and were growing both as individuals and as an organization.
Ontario Systems, started by my business partner and me, grew into an organization that is now a leader in its industry. Our collective success can be largely attributed to cultivating and preserving an inspiring corporate culture.
My “why” for Noble Why LLC
Work can be personally fulfilling and can make the world a better place! I want to help individuals see that they don’t have to choose between fulfillment or corporate success. And I want to help organizations realize that their true competitive advantage, the key to their sustainable success, is casting an inspiring vision and empowering their people to achieve it. It is my passion in life to help others find and experience those truths.
Wil’s book details many of the personal leadership lessons he’s learned in a “case study” format.
Wil’s Book
Creating a Culture of Excellence:
Changing the World of Work One Person at a Time
From both personal and corporate experience gained over the last thirty years, Wil Davis has come to the conclusion that businesses need to reinvent themselves around value systems that work for both the individuals in the company and the company itself. Only by fully engaging the people with whom we work can we find the collective wisdom to build sustained commercial success. This book chronicles the merits and benefits of creating a corporate culture that breeds personal excellence for our team members, which is the solid foundation for organizational excellence and lasting success.
Praise for Creating a Culture of Excellence:

I read a lot of “organizational development” books as a part of my work as a business consultant. I have developed a real distaste for much of what is written because of what I call the “coroner’s report” style. Simply put, most authors of these books are consultants who can describe what worked or didn’t work only in the hindsight study of a company’s culture they have observed “after the fact.” What is so fresh and exciting about this book is we have a creator, not a coroner, who tells the 1st person story of the intentional building of a corporate culture. He has 25 years of personal laboratory experience in the same culture- growing it from a handful of people to over 500. This is not “Corporate Culture for Dummies,” and yet there is an elegance in the simplicity of “how to” lessons for immediate application in companies of almost any size.

Warning: This book is dangerous to those whose self-image depends on executive perks or a reputation for knowing how to say ‘you’re fired.’ If you are not careful, you will find your management assumptions, your psyche, and your self-image undermined by the hard-nosed logic and corporate success of a ‘preacher’s kid’ who is not afraid to preach a gospel of empowering others to maximize your bottom line.
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